Some Convergence Results for the Newton - Gmres Algorithm Rémi Choquet , Jocelyne Erhel
In this paper, we consider both local and global convergence of the Newton algorithm to solve nonlinear problems when GMRES is used to invert the Jacobian at each Newton iteration. Under weak assumptions, we give a suucient condition for an inexact solution of GMRES to be a descent direction in order to apply a backtracking technique. Moreover, we extend this result to a nite diierence scheme considering also the use of preconditioners. Then we show the impact of the condition number of the Jacobian on the local convergence of the Newton-GMRES algorithm. (URA 227) Université de Rennes 1 – Insa de Rennes et en Automatique – unité de recherche de Rennes Quelques r esultats de convergence pour l'algorithme de Newton-GMRES R esum e : Dans cet article, nous etudions la convergence de l'algorithme de Newton appliqu e a un probl eme non lin eaire, lorsqu'' a chaque it eration GMRES r esout le sys-t eme lin eaire de mani ere approch ee. Une condition suusante sur la solution calcul ee par GMRES est donn ee pour qu'elle soit une direction de descente aan d'utiliser une technique de hh backtracking ii. Puis, nous etendons ce r esultat au cas o u chaque produit matrice vecteur est approch ee par un sch ema aux dii erences nies, en consi-d erant aussi l'utilisation d'un pr econditionnement. Finalement la convergence locale de Newton-GMRES est d emontr ee dans ce contexte en soulignant l'importance d'un bon pr econditionnement.
منابع مشابه
A Parallel Gmres Version for General Sparse Matrices
This paper describes the implementation of a parallel variant of GMRES on Paragon. This variant builds an orthonormal Krylov basis in two steps: it first computes a Newton basis then orthogonalises it. The first step requires matrix-vector products with a general sparse unsymmetric matrix and the second step is a QR factorisation of a rectangular matrix with few long vectors. The algorithm has ...
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This paper presents a new preconditioning technique for the restarted GMRES algorithm. It is based on an invariant subspace approximation which is updated at each cycle. Numerical examples show that this deea-tion technique gives a more robust scheme than the restarted algorithm, at a low cost of operations and memory.
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Many scientific libraries are currently based on the GMRES method as a Krylov 7 subspace iterative method for solving large linear systems. The restarted formulation known as 8 GMRES(m) has been extensively studied and several approaches have been proposed to reduce 9 the negative effects due to the restarting procedure. A common effect in GMRES(m) is a slow 10 convergence rate or a stagnation ...
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